In this life, you will never know what would happen to you or who you'll end up being.
You would never know, and you only can find out. It's wednesday, i convienced myslef. It's wednesday. And it was the only comforting thought then. I was in the toilet, half-late to school. It was 6.12am when mom woke me up. My senses were still drowned by that sleepy feeling, when i felt very very dizzy. "Awkward, i've been awake for long enough to feel dizzy, what's wrong? Ugh, wake up brain, it's already morning." So, not giving the shit, i closed the toilet door behind me. And that's when i got it all wrong, i felt the concrete floor shaking once,, and then twice- it was followed by noises made by hangers on the clothesline outside and what i saw, the water rippled. Oh, shoot me, don't tell me it's what i think it is. (Er, no. Amazingly, it wasn''t Godzilla.) I ran outside the toilet, not sure what to do and saw mom gripping on the windowsill, her face only reflected fear. Her eyes were wild on the big bottle of water that was on the kitchen counter, and those eyes landed on me- worried. She mouthed, "earthquake". I wasl staring at the water in the bottle- it was shaking so hard that you can even hear the sound. Mom repeated, her voice shaking, "Earthquake!". I ripped my eyes off the bottle and said, "It is." still berzerked. Mom being the sanguine, was still looking at the bottle. I being the cholaric, said "Im putting on clothes.", and she said, "Quick." I dashed off into my room and grabbed the first shirt i touched and put on my worn out jeans.
Funny, you would never know what will happened to you, your start, and your end of a day. It's wednesday, i said to myself. I grabbed the first thing i could think of- my phone, and my IC. Not knowing what would happen to ourselves, mom and i rushed down and looked for papie. Downstairs, where the ground was still not safe, we looked for papito. I being a teenager, took a moment to look at my reflection at a car's window. And i looked down at myself and thought, "Yeesh izati, out of all shirts you can grab, you grabbed your ugly ex-class t-shirt? you are that lame." The ground was still shaking, i know. I was very sure of myself that i wasn't asleep. I was very sure that this wasn't all a dream, and what i felt was real. And most of all, i was sure that this wasn't all owl city dillusional crap.
It was real, and i felt a bloody 7.5 ritcher earthquake.
Do i look like im kidding?
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