It's 11.08pm and i've just finished my shower a few minutes ago.
I've a few homeworks that are due tomorrow that i'm not done with and i've a test tomorrow too. ZOMGBBQSAUCESEDAP.
I swear i wont hesitate to shoot myself if i spent my next Saturday finishing one whole episode of J Drama. I'm done watching Tumbling anyways, haha. Three thumbs up (grabs random person's hand to make it three), who knew most of the actors could do backflips and stunts, impressive.
Oh patience temptest, patience.
I'll have sometime for myself sooner or later.
Though the temptation of watching another series is really high.
I might just feed my addiction by listening to soundtracks, darn.
Anyways, my Additional Maths homework is awaiting.
I shall go and finish these pain in the ass work now.
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