February 1, 2011

Counting Sheeps.

I can't sleep, and am on the verge of going mad.
been rolling on the bed for hours now, and i still can't sleep.
I have no idea what to do, and i don't think watching a movie/drama is proper at this time of hour. It's 2.39am for god's sake.
I'll just update the playlist in my phone and do some exercises i guess.
Sit ups, push ups, squats = tired.
Tired = sleep well.

I might fuse in some homeworks in between that just to save my limited time. It's a good thing i can't sleep, maybe i'll get to finish at least one or two of my homework. And that reminds me, i need to find my Rumusan book, i think it's in school, dammit. If it's not, then i'll need to start a new book.

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