I've pledged that i won't blog on my exam week remember. It's over now though.
Recently the whole world was struck by a horrifying news.
An 8.9 Richter earthquake in one of the world's most developed country.
That particular 8.9 Richter earthquake in Japan had taken down plenty of lives by now. Hundreds- No, THOUSANDS of people have lost a member of their family- a father, a mother, a child, a sister, a brother. THOUSANDS have lost their loved ones in a blink of an eye. THOUSANDS have lost someone significant- someone who was apart and important in their life not long before all this catastrophe happened.
Plenty of people would have to deal with the pain, the sadness, this heart-wrenching depression that this shocking tragedy brought along with it. Ya Allah, give them strength to got through this agony, give the courage to do so.
Send out your prayers, people.
May all of us be safe.
Japan, hang in there.
May all of us be safe.
Japan, hang in there.
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