June 13, 2010

Masochism is a valuable job skill.

I was debating with myself whether I should be happy on this day or if it should go the other way round. Honestly, i had this deja vu feeling. The same feeling that i had during New Years. Right at 12 o'clock midnight on 1st January 2010. I felt empty, i felt lost, i felt nothing special.

So really, i'm asking. Should I, or should i not be happy on this day? Most people would say "Yes". I would say these people couldn't care less about anything but themselves. Or it's either they're high on drugs. Could be sugar too. Birthdays are just days where people create in their minds so that they feel significant, so that they would feel important, so that they won't feel left out in this community, so that they could claim the day as "My Day". Of course people would do that, it's just each of us being me, me, me first. It's all mirror, mirror on the wall. It's all the creation of one's self-absorbed mind.

The truth is, everyone is self-absorbed.
Everyone in this world, they couldn't care less about others.

13th June 1994, the world welcomed me,
13th June 2010, 16 years have passed.
What have I done so far?
Awkward how your birthdays always remind you how you haven't achieved something so far. How you haven't rule or change the world. How your your time is shorter by every moment. Time is running out for you to act. I should act now.

To the toilet then.

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(To be updated)